
Entity Definition

Logical Name : Item
Physical Name : AS_ITM

The lowest level of merchandise or services for which inventory and/or sales records are retained within the retail enterprise. Some retailers use the term Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) to refer to item as defined here.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
MerchandiseHierarchyGroupID (FK) Unique system assigned identifier for a group or class of merchandise. ID_MRHRC_GP Identity integer MerchandiseHierarchyGroup(CO_MRHRC_GP)
ItemID (PK) A unique system assigned identifier for the retailer's SKU. ID_ITM IdentityUUID char(32)
ItemSellingPricesID (FK) A unique system assigned identifier for the ItemSellingPrices. ID_ITM_SL_PRC Identity integer ItemSellingPrices(RU_ITM_SL_PRC)
ItemSellingRuleID (FK) A unique system assigned identifier for the ItemSellingPrices. ID_RU_ITM_SL Identity integer ItemSellingRule(RU_ITM_SL)
POSDepartmentID (FK) A unique system-assigned identifier for the POSDepartment ID_DPT_PS Identity integer POSDepartment(ID_DPT_PS)
PriceLineID (FK) A unique identifier for this price point. ID_LN_PRC Identity integer PriceLine(AS_LN_PRC)
MerchandiseHierarchyGroupID (FK) Unique system assigned identifier for a group or class of merchandise. ID_MRHRC_GP Identity integer PriceLine(AS_LN_PRC)
BrandName (FK) A unique name to denote a class of ITEMs as a product. The brand can include private label ITEMs. NM_BRN Name varchar(40) Brand(ID_BRN)
AuthorizedForSaleFlag A flag to indicate that the RETAIL STORE is authorized to stock this particular ITEM. FL_AZN_FR_SLS Flag integer
DiscountFlag A flag to indicate whether this ITEM can be discounted. FL_ITM_DSC Flag integer
PriceAuditFlag A flag to denote whether this ITEM was validated (scanned) during verification of the ITEM table. FL_ADT_ITM_PRC Flag integer
TaxExemptCode A code to denote the tax exemption status from sales and use tax. The codes refer to the UCC code, Tax Exempt Code, defined in data element 441. LU_EXM_TX Code2 char(2)
UsageCode This code defines how this item may be used within a store. Usage is a function of how an item may be consumed or disposed of by the store. LU_ITM_USG Code2 char(2)
Name The name by which the Item is known. NM_ITM Name varchar(40)
Description The textual description of the Item and its characteristics. DE_ITM DescriptionShort varchar(255)
LongDescription A longer textual description of the Item and its characteristics. DE_ITM_LNG DescriptionNarrative varchar(4000)
TypeCode This code indicates which subtype this item is. Examples are Stock Item, Aggregate Item, Service Item, Prepared Item, Group Select Item, etc. TY_ITM Code4 char(4)
KitSetCode This code signifies this ITEM is provided as a kit which has to made up either by the customer or by the store at an additional cost. LU_KT_ST Code2 char(2)
SubstituteIdentifiedFlag An ITEM for which there is a substitute available for sale within the RETAIL STORE. FL_ITM_SBST_IDN Flag integer
OrderCollectionCode A code to signify that this ITEM is ordered as part of a collection of ITEMs. LU_CLN_ORD Code2 char(2)
SerializedIUnitValidationFlag An indicator used to identify if the SERIALIZED ITEM requires operator validation after payment has been made and prior to customer pickup. FL_VLD_SRZ_ITM Flag integer
SubBrand (FK) A sequence number that identifies a subbrand within a brand. AI_SUB_BRN LineNumber smallint SubBrand(ID_SUB_BRN)
SubBrand (FK) A unique name to denote a class of ITEMs as a product. The brand can include private label ITEMs. NM_BRN_SUB_BRN Name varchar(40) SubBrand(ID_SUB_BRN)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
ItemSellingPrices is assigned to Item
SubBrand describes Item
ItemSellingRule is assigned to Item
POSDepartment classifies Item
Brand describes Item
PriceLine applies to Item
MerchandiseHierarchyGroup classifies Item
Item has translations TranslationItem
Item is sold with RelatedItemAssociation
Item is registered as GiftRegistryLineItem
Item is sold via SaleReturnLineItem
Item has available ItemWarranty
Item has associated with it RelatedItemAssociation
Item is eligible for ItemLoyaltyAccountEligibility
Item is part of ItemSupplierItem
Item is part of ItemChoice
Item is carried by BusinessUnitGroupItem
Item unavailability causes RaincheckDocument
Item is part of ItemCollection
Item is tracked by ItemSalesSummary
Item applies to SaleReturnItemModification
Item is dispatched via FulfillmentAcknowledgementLineItem
Item substitutes ItemCollectionSubstitution
Item is set via CustomerOrderControlTransactionLineItem
Item is tracked via ItemLot
Item is transformed into ReturnLineItem
Item may substitute for RawMaterialComponentItem
Item was dispensed by FuelingTransaction
Item has price defined by FuelItemPrice
Item is primarily RawMaterialComponent
Item is recommended for OccasionRecommendation
Item describes ItemTraceableUnit
Item is transferred/ordered/received via ICDMerchandiseLineItem
Item is processed on ItemProcessingLineItem
Item is ordered via CustomerOrderProductLineItem
Item isa ZPromotionalOfferRewardDiscount
Item is eligibile for ItemRewardDerivationRuleEligibility
Item can be a DigitalItem
Item can be a GroupSelectItem
Item can be a PreparedItem
Item can be a AggregateItem
Item can be a StockItem
Item can be a ServiceItem

Logical Views containing Item

Logical View
Logical 01000 - Item Description - Macro View
Logical 01004 - Item Description - Branding
Logical 01010 - Item Description - Subtype View
Logical 01015 - Item Description - Apparel View
Logical 01020 - Item Description - Enterprise View
Logical 01030 - Item Description - Recipe View
Logical 01040 - Item Description - Rental View
Logical 01050 - Item Description - Labelling View
Logical 01100 - Item Selling Rules - Macro View
Logical 01110 - Item Selling Rules - Restrictions View
Logical 01120 - Item Selling Rules - Manufacturer Coupon View
Logical 01300 - Item Price Maintenance View
Logical 01400 - Item Rewards Derivation - Transaction Level
Logical 01500 - Item Supplier View
Logical 01501 - Item Unit of Measure Types
Logical 02000 - Item Inventory and Stock Ledger View
Logical 02010 - Item Inventory - Adjustments View
Logical 02020 - Item Inventory - Selling View
Logical 02100 - Item Inventory - Macro View
Logical 02120 - Item Inventory - Order View
Logical 02130 - Item Inventory - Receiving View
Logical 02300 - Retail Transaction - Macro View
Logical 02310 - Retail Transaction - Item Sale View
Logical 02311 - Retail Transaction Item KIT Sale View
Logical 02312 - Retail Transaction - Item Voids View
Logical 02315 - Retail Transaction - Customer Order
Logical 02320 - Retail Transaction - Taxation View
Logical 02333 - Retail Transaction - Tender - Coupon View
Logical 02350 - Retail Transaction - Restriction Validation View
Logical 02370 - Retail Transaction - Rental View
Logical 02395 - Retail Transaction - Deposit Redemption View
Logical 03200 - Reporting - Item Sales View
Logical 03300 - Reporting - Stock Ledger View
Logical 04000 - Financial Ledger - Macro View
Logical 04100 - Financial Ledger - Retail Transaction View
Logical 04300 - Financial Ledger - Inventory Control View
Logical 05000 - Taxation - Macro View
Logical 05100 - Taxation - Rules View
Logical 05200 - Taxation - Retail Transaction View
Logical 05300 - Taxation - Inventory Control Document View
Logical 05400 - Taxation - Reporting View - Tax Rule Reference
Logical 06600 - Language Support
Logical 06700 - Event Scheduler View
Logical 07040 - Customer Segment Dependent Behavior
Logical 07600 - Customer Order - Macro View
Logical 07610 - Customer Order - Maintenance View
Logical 07620 - Customer Order - Inventory Control View
Logical 10200 - Enterprise - Merchandise View
Logical 10300 - Enterprise - POS Department View
Logical 20000 - Forecourt Macro View
Logical 20010 - Forecourt Fueling Point View
Logical 20020 - Forecourt Pricing View
Logical 20030 - Forecourt Transaction View
Logical 21000 - Fresh Item Management Macro View